Monday 16 August 2010

Fresno City College


Centennial celebration of the Fresno City College has just completed is the news on internet.Such spectacular celebreations shows that College can do a lot on the academic activies.
The Fresno City College is basically a Professional College. One who attend this college can make a good career in technical, arts or business field.There are numerous courses available for the students like athletic and Police Academy programs.he police Academy contains a correctional training facility that is especially designed to improve the standards of the society by offering a community service.
There is also an applied technology division that is all about technology that is being used in the industry today. This section of the study program in Fresno City College is continually updated by regular meetings with the heads of major industries so that the standard of technical education in the college could match the industrial standard, because this helps the students get immediate job offers on graduation and it also helps students who want to transfer to other schools or want to start a job along with the studies. There is also a social sciences and engineering division in the Fresno City College.


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