Wednesday 25 August 2010

Soulja Boy Twitter


There have been a lot of rumors going around about Soulja Boy’s Twitter account like how he says some controversial stuff on that and even a few times about how his Twitter account was deleted. Well at the moment Soulja Boy’s Twitter account well up and running but it doesn’t yet contain any response to the video that Kat Stacks made of herself after what she claims was a hot night with Soulja Boy.

In the video she says a lot of stuff but the thing that got everyone’s attention the most was the fact that she called Soulja Boy a coke head. Well I think most of us know what that means; and for those who don’t, it means cocaine sniffer. It doesn’t make much of a difference to the police or whatever if Soulja Boy sniffs coke (of course unless he is caught driving right after) but to his fans this might be a great shock. Well maybe not because all high attitude rappers do this stuff, and they even include stuff like this in their rap lyrics.

In the video Kat Stacks even shows the place Soulja Boy was sniffing coke and that is some controversial footage. Whether the fact that Kat called him a coke head make any difference to him or not, one thing would surely make a difference, and that is the part that Kat Stacks says about Soulja Boy being such a big coke head that he couldn’t even have sex with her correctly.


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