Wednesday 9 June 2010

Orly Taitz

California Republican voters love their new-found fat-cat beach girls Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina and had the good sense to chain the lifeguards to their stations while kicking sand in the face of the original birther girl Orly Taitz.

The Democrats, meanwhile, had a bunch of putzes on the ballot, including an old geezer who was the state’s governor about a zillion election cycles ago who they picked for governor again because his competition was more putzes.

While on a roll, voters from both parties passed two propositions in which one would save them money and the other a tiny step to improve their dysfunctional government while, gasp, rejecting three other propositions that would have made public utilities and auto insurers richer and provide a test trial of public financing for a statewide elective office no one gives a damn.

Let’s hear it for the Golden State, broke but not beaten. At least as of this morning.

Just think. Meg Whitman spent $81 million of her family fortune to win just the primary. Her opponent, Silicon Valley tycoon and incumbent state Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner blew $26 million of his wad to lose by more than 15 points the last I looked. If you took all the money spent by all candidates in the primary and wrote a check to the state, the $19 billion deficit would be reduced by 0.02%.


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