Thursday 27 May 2010

BP Oil Spill Update

So far, so good is the word as America waits for the results of the so-called top kill gambit to cork the runaway Deepwater Horizon wellhead.

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BP oil spill: harrowing escapes of Deepwater Horizon survivors
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After weeks of preparation and risk-weighing, BP received the OK from Washington on Wednesday to start pumping thousands of gallons of heavy mud into an inoperable wellhead in an attempt to stem a leak that's been spilling as many as 19,000 barrels of oil a day into the Gulf of Mexico. As of Thursday morning, the mud mix had stopped the oil and gas flow, and engineers prepared to further plug the hole using rubber debris before attempting to cap the well with cement.

"We'll get this under control," Coast Guard Commander Thad Allen told the Los Angeles Times.


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