Saturday 29 May 2010

Stacey Castor

Stacey Castor has got fame because of her bad act of murdering her own husband. She is also known as the name which definitely fits her personality and that name is “Black Widow”. She was convicted of killing her husband David Castor which was done through poisoning. Another attempt of murder was also made by her that was of her own daughter Ashley Wallace.
It was the year 2007 when the New York’s resident Stacey Castor was charged with murder of second degree and murder attempt of second degree. Another charge was also put on her that was for giving false statements. This charge falls under the category of first degree crime. In addition to these crimes, it has also been stated by the police authorities that the murder of her first husband, whose name was Michael Wallace, was also attempted by her.
Sooner the story of this woman gained the national fame and then later on the name of “Black Widow” was given to her by some of the media outlets. Recently an appeal has been filed by the lawyer of Stacy Castor in the month of March in which he claimed that while knowing the fact that a lawyer is backing up the Stacy Castor, police authorities had no right to investigate and interview her without the involvement of her lawyer. He further stated in the appeal that this collected information should have not been presented during the hearing of the court.
A complete story on the trial of Stacey Castor has been telecasted last night on ABC’s “20/20”. It has been left on the people to decide if she is guilty or not whether she should be punished for these crimes or not? So now its your turn to decide.


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