Tuesday 18 May 2010


There's alot we may not know about our bones. Some women for instance believe they need a bone density test when they reach menopause in order to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

But Dr. Nelson Watts, director of the University of Cincinnati Bone Health and Osteoporosis Center says that waiting till age 65 is better, because earlier bone density tests may put you on drugs you don't need.

By the age of 65 though, a bone density test is a good idea, whether your doctor suggests it or not. Dr. Watts says that most women are not offered such a test by their doctors.

Dr. Watts suggests that there are means other than drugs to protect their bones from the risk of osteoporosis. And you are never too old to increase bone density.

"According to research from Tufts University, postmenopausal women who did strength-training twice a week for a year gained 1 percent to 2 percent in bone density. Any weight-bearing workout can provide similar benefits. The key: Keep increasing the intensity."


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